SLD ——Single Line Diagram 单线图,即用一根线来表示三相系统的图纸。
Air insulated switchgear 空气绝缘开关柜
Gas insulated switchgear 气体绝缘开关柜
Rating of primary component 一次元件等级
One minute power frequency withstand voltage 一分钟工频耐受电压
Impulse withstand voltage 冲击耐受电压
Single busbar type/ Double busbar type 单母线、双母线形式
Solenoid operated 线圈操作的
DC motorized spring charged circuit breaker直流电机弹簧储能断路器
Four compartments –Circuit breaker, Busbar, Cable termination compartment, LV Compartment
Pressure relief flap/ Pressure relief device
Dust-proof 防灰尘
Non-deteriorating rubber gasket 不老化橡胶密封条
Padlock 挂锁
The clearance of the active components of the switchgear (i.e, busbar, relay etc) shall be at least 300mm from the switchroom floor.
Withdrawable type 抽出式
Anti-pumping feature 防跳
Motors shall be used for automatic charging of the spring mechanism.
Circuit breaker truck
Plugging contact 插头
The moving portion shall be equipped with suitable wheels for movement on normal floor surfaces.
Rack-in / Rack-out 摇进、摇出
Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6)
Shutters 活门
Voltage transformers 电压互感器
Current transformers 电流互感器
Interlocks 联锁
Mechanical interlocking 机械联锁
The method of interlocking shall be of the Castell Key type. 联锁方法卡斯特尔钥匙形式
LED potential indicators LED 带电显示器
Interchangeable 可互换性
Internal arc fault test 内部电弧故障试验
Local and remote control 就地和远程控制
Partition 隔板
Bushing 套管
Loss of service continuity category 丧失运行连续性等级
Service position/test position/disconnected position/removed position
Plug-in connectors 插入式连接器
Current and Voltage injection 电流和电压注入
Leakage rate 泄漏率
Gas tank 气箱
The temperature-compensated sensor for pressure measurement
Design pressure 设计压力
Arc fault current/ arc fault duration 电弧故障电流/电弧故障持续时间
Rated continuous current 额定电流
Rated insulation level 额定绝缘水平
Shunt release 分励脱扣器
Protection relay 保护继电器
Routine test 出厂试验
Factory inspection test 工厂检查试验
FATFactory acceptance test 工厂验收试验
Site test 现场试验
Functional unit 功能单元
Main circuit 主回路
Auxiliary circuit 辅助回路
Nameplate 铭牌
Name of manufacturer 生产厂
Manufacturer‘s type designation 型号
Serial number 出厂编号
Manufacturer‘s instructions reference 制造厂使用说明书编号
Year of manufacture 生产日期
Applicable standard 适用标准
Rated voltage 额定电压
Rated frequency 额定频率
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage 额定雷电冲击耐受电压
Rated power-frequency withstand voltage 额定工频耐受电压
Rated power-frequency cable test voltage 额定工频电缆测试电压
Rated DC cable test voltage 额定直流电缆测试电压
Rated duration for DC cable test 额定直流电缆测试持续时间
Rated continuous current 额定连续电流
Rated short-time withstand current 额定短时耐受电流
Rated peak withstand current 额定峰值耐受电流
Rated duration of short-circuit 额定短路持续时间
Rated short-time phase to-earth withstand current 额定短时相对地耐受电流
Rated peak phase-to-earth withstand current额定峰值相对地耐受电流
Rated duration of phase-to -earth short-circuit 额定相对地短路持续时间
Filling level for insulation and/or switching 绝缘和/或开关充气压力
Alarm level for insulation and/or switching 绝缘和/或开关报警压力
Minimum functional level for insulation and/or switching 绝缘和/或开关最低压力
Loss of service continuity category LSC 丧失运行连续性等级
Internal arc classification 内部电弧故障等级
Type of accessibility 可接近类别
Classified sides 接触面类别
Arc fault current and duration 内部电弧故障电流和持续时间
Single-phase-to -earth arc fault current and duration 单相对地电弧故障电流和持续时间
Rated supply voltage(s) of auxiliary and control circuits 辅助和控制回路额定电压
Type and mass of flu id (liquid or gas) for insulation 绝缘气体重量
Mass of the assembly 设备重量